Husband of Hinda is not taking care of her, not talk with her, Does not give alimony.
He also married second time
Hinda tried by himself and through his friends, but he does not listen to anyone and does not even give divorce.
Hinda is young and wants to marry again, so what should be done?.
The questioner
Answer:- With the help of Allah
In the case of asking
Hinda should be patient and grateful and fast with abundance
But if hinda think that she will be involved in sins or she has regular imbalance in her livelihood and there is no way to overcome these problems.
Hinda has to appoint an islamic Jurisdiction and to tell him all her problems and the Judge have to rectify her condition after that if needed and if there is no way to divorce either of his wish or to put force on him. so if there is Sunni Shafaee Qazi in her area so it is better that Hanafi Qazi report immidiately to Shafaee Qazi and Shafaee Qazi break the relationship after necessary inquiry and send the report to Hanafi Qazi.
and hanafi qazi order the fatwa after checking it thorowly and to clear that victim has a choice to do second wedding after her 3 menstrual periods in order.
If there is no Shafaee Qazi Hanafi sunni qazi can break the nikah.
فتاوی عالمگیری میں ہے: ” ظهور العجز عن النفقة انما يكون اذا كان الزوج حاضرا او اما اذا غاب الرجل عن امرأته غيبة منقطعة ولم يخلف نفقة لهذه المرأة فرفعت المرأة الأمر إلي القاضي فكتب القاضي الي عالم يري التفريق بالعجز عن النفقة ففرق بينهما فهل تقع الفرقة قال شيخ الإسلام نعم إذا تحقق العجز عن النفقة” اھ (جلد1 صفحہ 573 کتاب الطلاق، الباب السابع عشر فی النفقات، الفصل الاول فی نفقة الزوجة ، مطبوعہ دار الكتب العلميه بيروت لبنان)
Same matter has stated in
Fatawa Alamgiri volume 1 page o 573 Kitab el talaq seventieth chapter darul kutul el ilmia lebenon in this chapter.
If a woman has the problems mentioned above and she informed the Qazi then Qazi will break the nikah even if his husband is missing or not or not giving her livelihood to be asked that is it possible Shaikul islam said that it is possible.
Same querry and answer mentioned in Kitab urdu MAJLIS E SHARAI KE FAISLE page no 235 ulama said that first some possiblle ways to be adopted with laws if it succeed then ok otherwise reports to hanafi Qazi and he can break the nikah after inquiry.
If there is no sunni Shafaee Qazi as in our INDIA so to protect her from big hurdles Hanafi Qazi can break the nikah himself without any permission.
As our ulama said in case of lost husband that in absence of Malika Qazi.
Hanafi qazi can break the bikah and thats our opinion reference majlis e sharaee ke faisle page 234۔
واللہ تعالی اعلم بالصواب
Allah knows best what is right
This fatwa has written by Mohammed Saddam Hussain barkati faizi mirani
Mirani Darul Ifta Jamia Faizan e ashraf rais ul uloom Ashraf Nagar KHAMBAT STATE GUJURAT INDIA.